👨‍💻 Wesley Moore

One Hundred Rust Binaries


I recently completed a #100binaries series on Twitter wherein I shared one open-source Rust tool or application each day, for one hundred days (Jul—Nov 2020). This post lists binaries 1–50. See page 2 for binaries 51–100.

All images and videos without an explicit source were created by me for the series. Most picture the Alacritty terminal emulator running on Linux. I use the PragmataPro font and my prompt is generated by vim-promptline. The colour scheme is Base16 Default Dark.

I also wrote a follow-up post about how this page was built and the considerations that went into making it as lightweight as possible: Turning One Hundred Tweets Into a Blog Post.

  1. Screenshot of hexyl running in a terminal.
  2. Screenshot of exa running in a terminal.
  3. Screenshot of Alacritty disiplaying the Alacritty logo.
  4. Screenshot of Amp editing Rust source code in a terminal.
  5. Screenshot of the output of running Tokei on the Allsorts repository.
  6. Output generated by Silicon for a small Rust program.
  7. Screenshot of broot running in a terminal.
  8. Screenshot of viu rendering Ferris the Rustacean in a terminal.
  9. Screenshot of Emulsion displaying an image of Ferris the Rustacean.
  10. Screenshot of rusty-man rendering the Allsorts docs in a terminal.
  11. Source: https://github.com/imsnif/diskonaut/blob/2cf5c7bd061f42443288e538ae75fedf7a846d76/demo.gif
  12. Source: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12150276/75177190-91d4ab00-572d-11ea-80bd-c5e28c7b17ad.gif
  13. Screenshot of dijo running in a terminal.
  14. Screenshot of pastel running in a terminal.
  15. Screenshot of DWFV running in a terminal.
  16. Screenshot of Zenith running in a terminal displaying CPU, memory, network, disk, and process information.
  17. Screenshot of the output of dtool --help in a terminal.
  18. Screenshot of Castor displaying the Gemini home page.
  19. Screenshot of the output of watchexec --help in a terminal.
  20. Screenshot of meli running in a terminal. Source: https://meli.delivery/images/screenshots/threads.webp
  21. Screenshot of delta running in a terminal.
  22. Screenshot of sharewifi running in a terminal.
  23. Screenshot of eva running in a terminal.
  24. Screenshot of bat showing some Rust code in a terminal.
  25. Screenshot of dust running in a terminal.
  26. Screenshot taken by shotgun of mdcat rendering the shotgun README in a terminal.
  27. Screenshot of ripgrep running in a terminal.
  28. Screenshot of mdcat rendering a sampel Markdown document in a terminal.
  29. Source: https://github.com/hatoo/oha/blob/10b1dc0103c11e8144f3a61cbb481092d24a2062/demo.gif
  30. Source: https://starship.rs/demo.webm
  31. Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/foriequal0/git-trim/master/screencast.png
  32. Source: https://github.com/imsnif/bandwhich/blob/fde53ddb3bcb769bc3474ba3d739d268619bf138/demo.gif
  33. Screenshot of xsv running in a terminal.
  34. Screenshot of Shellcaster running in a terminal. Source: https://github.com/jeff-hughes/shellcaster/blob/f6cb4c55c4a6765483d7810a2b6d08a928e799e1/img/screenshot.png
  35. Screenshot of yj transformating a small YAML document into JSON in a terminal.
  36. Screenshot of tealdeer showing the tldr page for ls in a terminal.

Continue to page 2 »

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