👨‍💻 Wesley Moore

One Hundred Rust Binaries - Page 2

This is page two of my #100binaries list containing binaries 51–100. See the first page for the introduction and binaries 1–50.

  1. Screenshot of the set of images generated by color_blinder when applied the Rust home page.
  2. Source: https://github.com/Szymongib/bookmark/blob/f46e5361878de972b7f0d11565fbecdb6a66bad9/assets/bookmark-demo.gif
  3. Screenshot of Artichoke running a small Ruby program in a terminal.
  4. Screenshot of csview rendering a sample CSV file in a terminal using default, reinforced, and rounded styles. Source: https://github.com/wfxr/i/blob/e04314806087faf8715a753e70f1a77f10b189d2/csview-screenshot.png
  5. Source: https://github.com/marcusbuffett/pipe-rename/blob/b734616bab4b4ca4f31de0902479202f33bda545/renamer.gif
  6. Screenshot of Cogsy running in a terminal. Source: https://github.com/cartoon-raccoon/cogsy/blob/8111b15243398cfe9cec990b88ed19f6155f8b37/images/screenshots/cogsy_main.png
  7. Screenshot of tiny connected to several IRC channels on chat.freenode.net in a terminal.
  8. Source: https://github.com/orf/ptail/blob/b26b089816cf3f495dae26ae0316c91f724667ce/images/readme.gif
  9. Screenshot of procs running in a terminal.
  10. Screenshot of vopono running in a terminal and two different browsers, one showing the VPN applied, the other not. Source: https://github.com/jamesmcm/vopono/blob/ef9653b80aea5f1695f9ca02b06e2ff340f1fae0/screenshot.png
  11. Source: https://github.com/tarkah/tickrs/blob/a5bc18a470999b5c18c98a7188a477c8e305652b/assets/demo.gif
  12. Source: https://github.com/orf/git-workspace/blob/8403c57edd172e925b682ee6220653db37dd616c/images/readme-example.gif
  13. Source: https://github.com/wfxr/i/blob/e04314806087faf8715a753e70f1a77f10b189d2/minimap-vim.gif
  14. Screenshot of kmon running in a terminal.
  15. Source: https://github.com/samtay/so/blob/93c13cdbf3fecaf23f21237ecee42d62f62905e0/assets/demo.gif
  16. Screenshot of lipl plotting the CPU temperature of my computer in a terminal.
  17. Screenshot of Cicero running in a terminal, displaying the graphemes of the text 'Rust Café 🦀' and rendering the R glyph in PragmataPro.
  18. Screenshot of battop running in a terminal.
  19. Screenshot of xxv running in a terminal. Source: https://chrisvest.github.io/xxv/screenshot.png
  20. Screenshot of indexa running in a terminal.
  21. Screenshot of shy running in a terminal. Source: https://github.com/xvxx/shy/blob/21555eb5259fd498d1d8fb4a4c39cf90a502f443/img/screen1.jpeg
  22. Screenshot of frawk running in a terminal.
  23. Screenshot of serial-monitor running in a terminal.
  24. Screenshot of gfold running in a terminal.
  25. Screenshot of fselect running in a terminal.
  26. Screenshot of lfs running in a terminal.
  27. Screenshot of dotenv-linter running in a terminal.
  28. Screenshot of bottom running in a terminal.
  29. Screenshot of the output of huniq -h in a terminal.
  30. Screenshot of cargo-wipe being run on my Projects directory in a terminal.
  31. Screenshot of terminal-typeracer running in a terminal.
  32. Screenshot of Audiobench. Source: https://joshua-maros.github.io/audiobench/book/images/default_patch.png
  33. Animated GIF of rust-sloth rendering a 3D model of Pikachu in a terminal.
  34. Screenshot of fhc running in a terminal.
  35. Screenshot of desed running in a terminal.
  36. Screenshot of silver running in a terminal.
  37. Screenshot of fnm running in a terminal.
  38. Screenshot of the waitfor documentation showing the various condition flags it accepts.
  39. Screenshot of rusty-tags running in a terminal.
  40. Screenshot of the SongRec GUI after recognising a few songs. There is album art on the left and a history of recognised songs on the right.
  41. Screenshot of ddh running in a terminal.
  42. Source: https://github.com/Nukesor/images/blob/72c983b374ea32b64e5997477693030001bdd7a6/pueue.gif
  43. The Rust logo. Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Rust_programming_language_black_logo.svg/1200px-Rust_programming_language_black_logo.svg.png

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